Thank you for your interest in becoming a Rotarian.
Nanaimo Daybreak Rotarians are a bubbly morning bunch. We meet every Wednesday and socialize before the start our 7am meeting. We are a younger club, with 40 plus members, balanced fairly equally between male and female. We welcome guests. Speak to one of us, our Executive or see the Contact Page for more details.
Some notes on becoming a Rotarian:
Individual clubs are the cornerstone of Rotary, where the most meaningful work is carried out. All effective Rotary clubs are responsible for four key elements: sustaining or increasing their membership base, participating in service projects that benefit our local and worldwide community, financially supporting The Rotary Foundation, and developing leaders to serve Rotary beyond the club level.
What you get out of Rotary depends largely on what you put into it. Many membership requirements are designed to help members become and remain active participants in their club and enjoy their Rotary experience.
All Rotary clubs share a key mission: to serve their community and those in need throughout the world. By participating in club service projects, members learn about their club’s involvement in local and international projects and can volunteer their time and talents where they are most needed.
Membership recruitment and retention
For Clubs to remain strong and effective, every Rotarian must also bring new people into Rotary. Even new members can bring guests to meetings or invite them to participate in a service project. The value of Rotary speaks for itself, and the best way to spark the interest of potential members is by letting them experience our fellowship and service firsthand.
Keeping members interested in Rotary is another responsibility. Good club fellowship, early involvement in service projects and involvement in club operations are some of the best ways to sustain the Club’s membership.
A Rotary club should reflect the community’s demographics, including professions, gender, age, and ethnicity. Diversity enriches every aspect of the club’s fellowship and service.
Attending club meetings allows members to enjoy their club’s fellowship, enrich their professional and personal knowledge, and to meet other leaders in our community.
There are five clubs meetings in the Greater Nanaimo Area:
- Nanaimo Daybreak, Wednesdays 7 am
- Nanaimo, Fridays at 12:10 pm
- Nanaimo North, Tuesdays 6:10 pm
- Oceanside, Wednesdays 5 pm
- Lantzville, Thursdays 7 am
Different club meeting days and times are designed to accommodate members’ family and professional commitments.
*Rotary policy: Members are expected to commit to any combination of 30 or more club meetings, committee meetings, projects, functions and/or makeups at other clubs or things that we do in Rotary. If a member misses their own meeting, they’re encouraged to expand their Rotary horizons by attending make-up meetings at any Rotary club in the world – a practice that guarantees Rotarians a warm welcome in communities around the globe. Find meeting places and times in the Rotary International Official Directory or when and where our District Clubs meet.