Our process is to receive your application, review it in committee and decide if it can be funded. If it is over a set amount, it will be presented to the club for consideration, and then voted on. This may take the better part of a month, your patience is appreciated. If approved, a cheque will be issued to the applicant’s organization.
Click to send email to Funds Allocation Chair
The Rotary Club of Nanaimo Daybreak has been serving the community since 1995. Our club supports groups of people who are non-denominational, fair to all and provide wide benefit. We have a keen interest in helping youth and in supporting projects which help those in need, both in Nanaimo and worldwide. If you are gaming grant qualified it would be to your advantage. For information on gaming grants and qualification to receive gaming funds please look at Province of BC – Community Gaming Grants.
Thank you for your application.